
Mail is wonderful. I absolutely love receiving handwritten letters. Emails and Facebook messages are nice, but something to hold or to hang on a blank wall is even better. So, if you are so inclined to write a letter, or even a brief note, the address is below. Keep in mind that it takes about 10 days for a letter to reach the Peace Corps office in Quito, so if you write more than one letter (hint, hint) please number them. And, of course, expect to receive letters in return :)

Below will be my address for the FIRST THREE MONTHS; after that, my address will change.

Kara Steeland, PCT
Cuerpo de Paz
Casilla 17-08-8624
Quito, Ecuador
South America

Packages are a whole other story. I'm not trying to be picky, but there are some (read: many) stipulations to make sure I receive anything that you may be so kind as to send me! Please don't send any packages (letters are fine!) during my first three month in Ecuador--I'll be training; it's all very serious.

  • Nearly all packages are opened by customs
  • Limit packages to 2 kilos (4.4 pounds), otherwise the contents will be impossibly expensive for me to retrieve
  • Do NOT use couriers like FedEx and DHL
  • USE packing envelopes that are difficult to rip open
  • Chocolate is forbidden (seriously)
  • It's not a bad idea to put Jesus on the front; people are less prone to cut open his face...